
Should You Install Anti-Termite Piping Systems in Your Home?

At various stages, an anti-termite reticulation system can be installed. The location of the pipe installation, in addition to the type and frequency of termiticide employed, will impact the level of termite protection. The piping system will only provide a means of pumping termiticide into the foundation and throughout the property. 

However, termite protection is far better if the installation is done correctly. If your house is infested by termites, consider contacting Saela Pest Control.

What are the benefits of installing anti-termite piping systems?

You can install anti-termite piping in three stages:

  1. Before the completion of the civil work, which involves putting in the soil at the foundation level. This is the most efficient form of building protection, and it is advised that the fitting of the anti-termite pipe system be scheduled at this point.
  1. Termite protection might be required after civil work has begun and flooring PCC has been completed. The anti-termite piping can, therefore, be placed directly below the tiles in this case. To avoid direct contact with wet cement, make sure the reticulation pipes are supported by stands on all sides.
  1. The importance of termite protection is often found after the structure is completed. An anti-termite plumbing system can be built in such a situation as well. The piping system must be installed outside in the soil after the building’s perimeter has been determined. The property will then be shielded from the outside by this.

What is the Anti-Termite Piping System’s reasoning?

Since termites need to enter your property through the house’s foundation, it makes sense to install a chemical termite barrier beneath the foundation to prevent termites from entering at the soil foundation level. However, because of its life cycle, the chemical ultimately loses its effectiveness, making your house vulnerable to termites once more. The soil-based termite barrier cannot be physically renewed once your home is constructed because the foundation will no longer be accessible for termite chemical renewal.

Is it still possible for termites to show up after installing a porous pipe for termite treatment?

Yes, termites can still enter a pipe even after it has been coated with a porous material, but only if you avoid applying termite-killing chemicals on a regular basis, as specialists advise, every few years. This is due to the Anti Termite Piping System’s primary rationale, which is to maintain the soil barrier continuously.

Can termites still appear after an insecticide has been sprayed into a permeable pipe?

Even after applying chemicals to permeable pipes, termites may still return. This only occurs if the porous pipes are filled with the wrong chemical, concentration, or other unwanted liquid. In fact, if you apply the incorrect chemical concentration, termites may even come back. Therefore, it is essential that only a professional termite treatment business conduct the filling operation.

How frequently should the porous pipes be filled for efficient termite treatment?

This depends on your home’s design, soil composition, moisture content, slope, and other variables. Porous pipe filling should be done every three to four years.

Can I install an anti-termite piping system once my house has finished being constructed?

No, because the house’s foundation cannot be reached. Hence, after the whole house has been constructed, installing a network of pipes is out of the question. Only before establishing a concrete foundation or before putting in tiles in the home can porous pipes be installed. It is ideal to install pipes in the soil foundation.

Precautions to take after installing porous piping for termites

There are no particular security precautions. However, the porous pipe system should not be impacted in any way if a particular corner is knocked down for reconstruction. Additionally, you should keep any wood or wooden garbage away from your home’s external walls.