
Do You Want To Go Trekking? Discover Tips That Will Help You

The term trekking is of South African origin and means “to follow a trail or a path, on foot.” It is an activity that can be performed for the sheer pleasure of walking or as a competition. Although it seems simple, it requires some care so that the adventure is pleasant and safe since it is usually carried out in an outdoor environment, without many resources.

There are not many restrictions for the age group; that is, it is recommended for people of all levels of conditioning, as long as the degree of difficulty of the trials is respected, of course. In short, practicing trekking gives a feeling of a lot of freedom, being an excellent option for outdoor activity. But, before putting the backpack on your back, check out the following tips!

  1. Research about the place where you will practice trekking

As exciting as it may seem, you should never go on an unknown trail, especially if you are not very sure about the walk. Otherwise, in addition to disorientation during the journey, the walkers’ physical integrity may be compromised by some unforeseen obstacle.

If you do not know the route, even with a route map, it is advisable to hire a local guide who already has experience with the trail. There are cares and tricks that only he will know. This increases the chances of a safer journey.

  1. Organize your backpack well

The backpack is not an ornament, meaning it is not a simple ornament for the back. Likewise, it should not serve as an accessory chest. It is essential to make items suitable for the journey that will be faced.

It is necessary to carry enough food for the trial duration, a tent, thermal insulation, sleeping bag, headlamp (preferably), and a first aid kit. Everything varies according to the type and duration of the chosen track.

  1. Don’t underestimate the route

When trekking, the primary purpose should be to get back and forth safely. For this reason, it is necessary to be aware and know how to give up, if necessary. After all, fatigue can hit or weather conditions change.

Whatever the challenge, no one should take any chances for the sake of the ego. In a battle with nature, the human being will never win, so it is necessary to respect your limitations and know how to retreat when necessary.

A good practice is to go on the trail always accompanied. In an eventual problem, disorientation, or accident, for example, it is much better to be with someone than to be utterly alone in a situation of indecision or suffocation.

And just as important as not going alone is to notify relatives or friends about the location of the trek. Safety is never too much because, in an accident, knowing which route was essential to make the rescue possible in time.

  1. Don’t die by your feet

It is essential to know that leisure trekking is not a race. In other words, if more people are participating in the expedition, it is necessary to know how to respect everyone’s pace.

This avoids unnecessary wear and even accidents caused by haste or competitiveness. Anyway, this stress is not the purpose of trekking.

Instead of simple shoes, it is more appropriate to use a specific one for trekking, such as boots or special shoes. It is worth remembering that a new shoe should never be used on a trail; the ideal is to go with a very soft one or even with a well-worn one, but that you know it will not hurt.